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Elevating Performance, Flexibility and Security: Embracing AWS & The Move to AlmaLinux 8

We are committed to providing our customers with the best hosting experience possible. Today, we are excited to share a significant milestone in our journey to enhance performance, flexibility, and security. We have recently migrated our shared hosting infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and upgraded our servers to AlmaLinux 8. These changes lay the foundation for a more robust and reliable hosting environment, empowering your online ventures like never before.

Servers floating on a cloud

Migration to AWS: Unleashing Performance and Scalability

We are proud to announce that we have migrated our shared hosting infrastructure to AWS, an industry-leading cloud platform. This strategic move brings a host of benefits that will elevate your website's performance to new heights. With AWS's scalable infrastructure, we can dynamically allocate resources, ensuring optimal performance even during peak traffic periods. Faster page load times, improved responsiveness, and seamless handling of traffic spikes are just some of the advantages you will experience.

Upgrade to AlmaLinux 8: Strengthening Security and Reliability

Security is paramount in today's digital landscape, and we take it seriously. To fortify our hosting environment, we have upgraded our servers from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8. AlmaLinux 8 is a rock-solid, community-driven operating system that provides enhanced stability, reliability, and security measures. By embracing AlmaLinux 8, we ensure that your valuable data is safeguarded, and your websites are protected against potential threats. This proactive step demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a resilient infrastructure and upholding the highest standards of security.

Coming Soon: Exciting New Features

We believe in continuously evolving our services to meet your evolving needs. That's why we're thrilled to announce that we have exciting new features in the pipeline. In our next blog post, we will dive into the details of these additions, which will further enhance your hosting experience. Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement where we will unveil these features, keeping you at the forefront of the latest advancements in web hosting technology.